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This Valentine, Unlock Your Ultimate Superpower: Self-Love

My heart did a little happy dance—I had just bought myself the cutest Valentine’s gift! A glittery greeting card with tiny hearts that move when you shake it. My inner child was obsessed. Haha! It was a few days before Valentine’s Day in 2022, and I was creating a little “Valentine’s corner” in my home. I placed the card alongside some cute decorations and a teddy bear holding red hearts.

Happy Blue Monday! ☺️

It’s Blue Monday, the so-called “most depressing day of the year.” But did you know it was actually created as a marketing stunt? It’s true! It all started with a travel company called Sky Travel. They wanted to boost sales in January, a slow month for flight bookings. So, they created the idea of Blue Monday—a day when people are supposed to feel down, just to sell vacations.
Happy Blue Monday! ☺️
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